VIVALDIANNO - Unique Visual Show. The New Generation Concert. Music, 3D film projection and animation, contemporary dance and spoken word in the services of a chilling story about hopes and losses of Antonio Vivaldi – the genius of Baroque times
MICHAL DVOŘÁK (CZ) author, producer; Tomáš Belko (CZ) libretto.
The author of the VIVALDIANNO project is Michal Dvořák. This Czech musician and producer had asked an eminent violin virtuoso, Jaroslav Svěcený, to collaborate with him on the piece. Its libretto was penned by another Czech musician, screenwriter and dramaturge Tomáš Belko. The visual conception of this event comes from the imagination of Kosuke Sugimoto, the renown Japanese artist, director and animator, currently working at Prague's Eallin Animation Company.
A orchestra, which covers classical as well as art-rock instrumentation, occupies the stage between large-format projections in front and in the back of it. Along with a complex and sophisticated light design that utilizes cutting-edge technologies, this gives the audience an unequalled musical experience in the third dimension.

Автором проекта является чешский музыкант Михал Дворжак, который пригласил к сотрудничеству лучшего чешского виртуоза , Ярослава Свеценнего. Автором либретто стал чешский музыкант, сценарист и драматург Томаш Белко. Графическое представление сделал известный японский художник , режиссер и аниматор Косукэ Сугимото, в настоящее время работает в студии анимации Eallin.
